SueSoup features musician Buckley Moonwall, also known as Gordon Vincent

Gordon Vincent

Buckley Moonwall is the second Life Avatar of musician Gordon Vincent of Cape May, NJ. Talented and prolific, Gordon has been busy writing songs, delighting audiences with live performances, recording albums, and creating video of his art. In the Metaverse, he is Buckley Moonwall.   

My Avatar is Kittie Serendipity. As Kittie, I attended several of Buckley's live shows in Second Life. I was thrilled when his SL manager, Charmm Magic, and I began discussing the possibility of doing a machinima video of Buckley's music and performances.
It was so fun creating a video with Buckley. I was in central Texas at the time and Buckley was in New Jersey.We met up virtually in Second life to capture our video footage. Buckley sent me a studio recorded version of his original song, Love That Train. I used Vegas software to edit the project.

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